"“The SBDC has helped us immensely. As a small startup with not a lot of funding at such an early stage, it has been wonderful to be able to get the assistance of so many consultants with an array of expertise.” –McCall Brinskele, CEO and Founder of Mense
More Info: WebsiteMense
Mense is a period product company with a mission to provide a more comfortable, safe and working solution for people with periods and change the way we talk about menstruation. Founded in 2022 by California Polytechnic State Univerity biomedical engineering graduate McCall Brinskele, Mense aims to destigmatize menstruation and elevate the conversations surrounding female reproductive health. While taking a course focusing on engineering in the women's health space, Brinskele's sister was diagnosed with endometriosis and uterine fibroids. The reality of female reproductive health conditions and Brinskele’s learning of the lack of female health coverage inspired her to create a platform addressing this underrecognized topic.