America's Seed Fund $4 billion program for tech startups is the topic of this week’s FREE webinar presented by the Small Business Development Center at CSU Bakersfield.
SBDC director and host, Kelly Bearden is joined by Cameron Bruce, SBIR expert and former business development director, China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station. Cameron provides details on America’s Seed Fund, a Small Business Innovation Research grant program funded by the U.S. government with more than $4 billion annually to help small business entrepreneurs and inventors in the technology sector.
Other webinar topics include a look at the economy, information on how to navigate the twin threats of recession and inflation, and small business funding opportunities.
This marks the 123rd in the weekly “Webinar Wednesday” series that provides reopening and current pandemic relief updates on available federal, state, and local funding options, tax credit programs, employee programs, and other opportunities helpful to employers and business owners.
The SBDC provides free one-on-one consulting to help small business owners. New and existing businesses can sign up for assistance by clicking here!
00:00 Intro
01:06:00 What's Up Today?
03:13:24 Poll Questions begin
09:18:04 America’s Seed Fund Week
10:08:02 Status/Action for Key Programs
13:37:03 Economic Corner 16:58:06 Capital Corridor
19:01:17 Kern County Small Business Micro Grant Program
20:09:08 Fed Open Market Committee Forecast
20:52:08 Marketing Moment – Tax credit for ADA compliant website
25:43:15 Recent webinar topics on YouTube
25:58:17 Kelly introduces Cameron Bruce, SBIR expert
27:52:19 Cameron Bruce begins presentation
38:35:14 Discussion of government agencies looking for inventors with ideas
53:56:17 Questions and answers with attendees